Stewed snow swallow with peach gum

wolfberry:moderate amount snow swallow:one peach gum:three crystal sugar:moderate amount pear:half

Stewed snow swallow with peach gum

Stewed snow swallow with peach gum

It hasn't been idle since it started cooking clay pot. see. Today, I used it to boil the peach glue snow swallow. Share with you

Cooking Steps

  1. Step1:Pure water bubble hair for peach gum and snow swallo

  2. Step2:After 20 hours, the effect is obviou

  3. Step3:Filter out water. Remove impuritie

  4. Step4:Shiraz is goo

  5. Step5:Put peach gum in turn after boilin

  6. Step6:Snow swallo

  7. Step7:Bingtan

  8. Step8:Close the li

  9. Step9:Add pears after boilin

  10. Step10:Turn the heat down after boiling for 15 minutes. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes

  11. Step11:Enjoy delicious food late

  12. Step12:It's a big stew.

Cooking tips:There are skills in making delicious dishes.

Category of recipe

Chinese cuisine

How to cook Chinese food

How to cook Stewed snow swallow with peach gum

Chinese food recipes

Stewed snow swallow with peach gum recipes

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