Light Cheesecake

cream cheese:250g light cream:125g egg:3 low gluten flour:25g sugar:60g (20g cheese. 40g egg white)

Light Cheesecake

Light Cheesecake

Cooking Steps

  1. Step1:Separate the egg yolk from the egg white (the bowl should be clean without oil or water). After the cream cheese softens at room temperature (in winter, please heat it in water), add 20 grams of sugar and egg yolk. Beat it with an egg beater until smooth and free of particles.

  2. Step2:Add sifted low gluten flour. Mix wel

  3. Step3:Add 125g of animal milk oil. Beat evenly with the egg beater. Do not add all the whipped cream at one time. Add a little bit. Beat while adding. Then you can mix it with cheese.

  4. Step4:Add sugar to the egg white in three times. Beat until it is straight and sharp.

  5. Step5:Mix the egg white into the cheese paste three times.

  6. Step6:Use a rubber scraper to quickly mix the egg white and cheese paste from the bottom up. Do not stir in circles to prevent the egg white from defoaming.

  7. Step7:Pour the mixed cheese cake paste into the cake mold. Bottom mold. Wrap one or two layers of tin paper around the cake mold (to prevent water from entering the bottom). Add hot water to the baking pan. Put the cake mold in the water.

  8. Step8:Put the baking tray in the middle layer of the preheated oven with the temperature of 160 ℃ up and down. Bake for about 1 hour until the surface is golden. After the cake is cooled, put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours before demoulding and cutting.

Cooking tips:I like to eat heavy cheese. I'm tired of heavy cheese when I'm old. I think of this cheesecake I made before. It's like light cheese, but it's fragrant. I have skills in making delicious dishes.

Chinese cuisine

How to cook Chinese food

How to cook Light Cheesecake

Chinese food recipes

Light Cheesecake recipes

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