Regular consumption of pig liver can prevent dry eyes and fatigue, regulate and improve the physiological function of hemopoietic system of blood patients, and help to remove some toxic components in the body. Pig liver contains vitamin C and microelement selenium which are lack in common meat food. It can enhance human immunity, antioxidation, anti-aging, and inhibit the production of tumor cells.
Step1:Wash pork liver and cut into thin slices. Peel and shred ginger.
Step2:Open fire, put some water in the pot and boil. Pour in a spoon of raw soy sauce.
Step3:Put the sliced pork liver and ginger into the pot.
Step4:The ginger here is tender. You don't need to put it in the pot in advance. If it's old ginger, you need to cook it for a minute or two.
Step5:Just boil it; if you want to eat old pork liver, you can cook it for a few minutes more.
Step6:Put in the garlic leaves. Fragrant.
Step7:Open to ea
Cooking tips:Don't put salt in the soy sauce; the spoon is not very big. It can also be determined according to your own taste; if you don't like soy sauce, you can change it into salt. I like it when I don't put oil in. I don't eat monosodium glutamate for many years. So all the recipes don't have anything like monosodium glutamate. There are skills in making delicious dishes.