Round wine

circle:8 Vintage:one bottle egg white:one sugar:according to personal preferences Lake powder:8 wolfberry:8

Round wine

Round wine

It's sweet but not greasy. It's refreshing. It's such a small bowl in leisure time. It's easy to operate. You will like it.

Cooking Steps

  1. Step1:Wash the wok, heat it and add water to boil i

  2. Step2:Put in the round and boil. Put in the sugar. Bring to a boil until the round floats

  3. Step3:Put in the wine (the last part of the wine is because it will volatilize when heated for a long time). Thicken with the water starch. Pour in the egg white and stir it up. Put it in the soup bowl. Sprinkle with the wolfberry. A delicious dessert will be finished

Cooking tips:There are skills in making delicious dishes.

Chinese cuisine

How to cook Chinese food

How to cook Round wine

Chinese food recipes

Round wine recipes

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