Beauty and skin strengthening milkshake

plain whey protein powder:2030 g dried jujube without core:10g 15g dried wolfberry:10g pure fresh milk:about 400ml

Beauty and skin strengthening milkshake

Beauty and skin strengthening milkshake

Every time I finish rolling iron, a cup of delicious protein milk shake is definitely a great enjoyment of life. This protein milk shake is my favorite exclusive secret formula. It also integrates beauty, health care, beauty, beauty, muscle enhancement, fat reduction and delicious. At present, it is a super loving formula.

Cooking Steps

  1. Step1:Put all the ingredients into the blender, smash and stir the

Cooking tips:Now you can choose the frozen milk or add ice cubes to taste better in summer.

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Chinese cuisine

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How to cook Beauty and skin strengthening milkshake

Chinese food recipes

Beauty and skin strengthening milkshake recipes

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