Boiled duck intestines -- a must for lazy people to warm up in winter

duck intestines:moderate amount favorite vegetables:moderate amount boiled fish seasoning bag:package chili noodles:one cooked white sesame:one

Boiled duck intestines -- a must for lazy people to warm up in winter

Boiled duck intestines -- a must for lazy people to warm up in winter

Today, I'd like to have a simple dish. It's suitable for lazy people in winter. It's simple and convenient. It's also atmospheric. It's suitable for the dishes to show off in the new year.

Cooking Steps

  1. Step1:Put some water in the pot. Add salt and boil. Put in the vegetables you like and scald the

  2. Step2:Take out vegetables for backu

  3. Step3:Add fish seasoning bag in oil pot. Stir fr

  4. Step4:Boil with clear wate

  5. Step5:Put it into the duck intestines. Move it quickl

  6. Step6:Take out the duck intestines. Pour in the soup togethe

  7. Step7:Sprinkle with white sesame. Chili noodle

  8. Step8:Another oil pan. Heat the oil to 80% hea

  9. Step9:Pour oi

  10. Step10:Sprinkle with scallion or coriande

  11. Step11:Don

Cooking tips:You can add whatever you like. Lazy people's food is that they have skills in making delicious dishes.

Category of recipe

Chinese cuisine

How to cook Chinese food

How to cook Boiled duck intestines -- a must for lazy people to warm up in winter

Chinese food recipes

Boiled duck intestines -- a must for lazy people to warm up in winter recipes

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