Shrimp skin is not only rich in calcium, but also rich in protein and various trace elements. It is the food advocated by many nutritionists. In terms of nutrition, every 100 grams of shrimp skin contains thirty-nine point nine Gram protein. And calcium content is higher than milk. Previously, in the topic of calcium supplement, it was said that the content of calcium in shrimp skin is 991mg / 100g, ranking first in calcium supplement food. However, because shrimp skin is difficult to grind in the stomach, the calcium contained in it is not well absorbed. So want to give children calcium. Shrimp skin is not the main force. Can only play an auxiliary role. But if we grind the shrimp skin to powder, it will absorb a lot. In addition, shrimp skin powder can be used as seasoning to add to any auxiliary food puree. It is no longer necessary to add fresh seasoning. It can also increase the calcium content of every auxiliary food for the baby. Especially when the baby is about one year old, he begins to have a preference for the taste of food. Try using this shrimp skin powder to taste it. Make sure that the taste and ingredients are all seasoned
Step1:2 slices of 150g lemon in shrimp skin - stir fry. Stir for reference - 7m + operation time - 15mi
Step2:Soak the shrimp skin in water for half an hour. Add the lemon and soak. Also use immersion to wash the shrimp skin.
Step3:Drain after soaking.
Step4:Heat the pan. Put in the shrimp skin. Stir over low heat until it's dry. It's cool when it's almost dry. Tips - it's a little wet at first. It's ok if the fire is bigger. The water evaporates slowly. It's going to be a small fire.
Step5:When it's cool, put it in the blender and break it. The wall breaker will break it even more.
Step6:Continue to stir fry in the pan after beating.
Step7:Stir fry until dry, then put it in a cool jar. Refrigerate for one month. Refrigerate for half a year. Use it to freshen food. Not only baby's supplementary food can be used, but also adult's food can be added. Used to consume quickly.
Cooking tips:The teak mother said - not only to use it to flavor the baby's auxiliary food. I wish all the dishes in the family were seasoned with this shrimp skin powder. Although I don't usually use MSG, chicken essence and other condiments in my family, but speaking psychologically, it's more delicious to add shrimp skin powder. There are skills in making delicious dishes.