This recipe is connected to the above one. It uses carrot dregs. That is, the carrot dregs filtered from the above recipe. We usually produce some small vegetable dregs because we make auxiliary food for our baby. We can use this method to make egg cakes..
Step1:Put the filtered carrot dregs in. Add an egg.
Step2:Add two more spoonfuls of flour.
Step3:Stir to make batter. If you feel the batter is thick, you can add some water. The thick procedure of batter is like melted ice cream. It can be spread out naturally. It is round.
Step4:Put some oil on the electric pancake pan and preheat it. Scoop up the batter with a spoon. Pour it into the pancake pan slowly. Spread it naturally into a circle.
Step5:After one side is set and solidified, fry it upside down and add one side. Until golden brown on both sides. Fry until done. This cake is super soft and delicious. It's especially suitable for exercising the baby's manual ability and chewing abilit
Step6:Soft and deliciou
Cooking tips:Warm tip - carrot juice can be changed into other vegetable juice. Don't use too much fire when spreading. Spread slowly on a small fire. There are skills in making delicious dishes.