Peacock opens the screen

celery:500g Apple:1 millet pepper:5 apple cider vinegar:50g

Peacock opens the screen

Peacock opens the screen

Cooking Steps

  1. Step1:Wash the celery for us

  2. Step2:Prepare a container. Put in ice water for standb

  3. Step3:Open the bottom slice of celer

  4. Step4:Three slices of celery. It does not need to be cut off.

  5. Step5:Slices of celery for later us

  6. Step6:Cut the sliced celery straight. Cut sil

  7. Step7:Cut like this and soak in ice wate

  8. Step8:This step takes about 10 minutes to soak. Just soak the celery tail and roll it u

  9. Step9:Prepare millet and pepper for washin

  10. Step10:Beveling cutter. Ready for us

  11. Step11:Prepare a large plate for us

  12. Step12:Fold u

  13. Step13:Fold it and put on the millet pepper. And I'm making a head for i

  14. Step14:Prepare an apple to cut from both sides. Keep middl

  15. Step15:And then four on both sides. Picture reading operatio

  16. Step16:Put on your wings and head. Drizzle with apple vinegar and you can eat it. You can also make decorations. You can also put other dishes on it. This is just a pendulum. Not so delicious.

  17. Step17:That's what the finished product is like. There is no approval plan for the whole process. It's just a plate. Let's play our imagination at home. What's the main dish.

Cooking tips:It should be because the swing is more complicated. So there are a little more steps. I hope you can see it in more detail. It will be easier to learn. The recipe is hard to make. I hope you can double-click it. There are skills in making delicious dishes.

Category of recipe

Chinese cuisine

How to cook Chinese food

How to cook Peacock opens the screen

Chinese food recipes

Peacock opens the screen recipes

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