
cake flour (low gluten flour):200g egg:5 sugar:100g cooking oil:2 scoops pure milk:250ml Paper Cup:12 sweet bean:small amount



I'm bored at home. I study delicious food every day. Today, let's share a simple and delicious cupcake. Move...

Cooking Steps

  1. Step1:Prepare all materials. (forgot to pat the egg

  2. Step2:Yolk. Egg white separation.

  3. Step3:Beat the yolk evenly.

  4. Step4:Add sugar, pure milk and mix wel

  5. Step5:Sift in the cake powder. Mix wel

  6. Step6:Add two more tablespoons of cooking oil and stir well. Set aside.

  7. Step7:The next step is to kill the protein. Add a small amount of sugar into the protein (add sugar in three times) ①. Make a big bubble ② and then add a small amount of sugar. Continue to beat for 10 seconds ③ add sugar again until you can stick a chopstick.

  8. Step8:Add the beaten protein into the yolk paste twice and mix well. (do not stir. Avoid the water from the beaten egg white) brush the bottom of the paper cup with oil. Pour in a spoon of cake paste first. Sprinkle some sweet beans in the middle. Then pour in a spoon of cake paste.

  9. Step9:The cake paste can be decorated with another sweet bean. Heat the oven up and down for 150 minutes. Put in cupcakes. Bake for 25 minute

  10. Step10:Out of the oven.

  11. Step11:It's very soft. It's rich in milk flavor and sweet honey beans.

Cooking tips:Convenient, simple and delicious. Make breakfast. Afternoon tea and dessert are very good. There are skills in making delicious dishes.

Category of recipe

Chinese cuisine

How to cook Chinese food

How to cook Cupcakes

Chinese food recipes

Cupcakes recipes

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