[steamed perch] - produced by couss co3001 steamed oven

bass:1 (600g) ginger:20g onion:20g soy sauce:2 tablespoons salt:1 tablespoon corn oil:50g https://cp1.douguo.com/upload/caiku/3/c/0/yuan_3c282734f23545e6575e19ded2633ec0.jpg

[steamed perch] - produced by couss co3001 steamed oven

[steamed perch] - produced by couss co3001 steamed oven

People come and go on the river, but they love the beauty of perch. When I was a child, I couldn't understand why so many people only love the taste of perch. But when you taste the taste of steamed perch, the answer is self-evident. With the steam function of cossco3001 steam oven, the steam efficiency is higher. The steamed bass is fresh, tender and tastes better. It retains the original flavor of the fish. This is how a delicious and juicy bass is steamed

Cooking Steps

  1. Step1:Remove the bass and clean it. Cut 4 cuts with a knife on each side. Put a layer of salt on the inside and outside. Marinate for about 15 minutes.

  2. Step2:Shred the ginger and onion.

  3. Step3:Put ginger and onion into the belly and gills of bass.

  4. Step4:Put ginger and onion on the bottom and top of the fish.

  5. Step5:Steam oven. Add proper amount of water to the water tank. Select the steam mode

  6. Step6:Turn on preheating for about 2 minutes. Put the fish in the steaming oven. Steam for about 8 minutes.

  7. Step7:When the steamed fish is out of the oven, pour out the onion, ginger and water. Then put fresh onion on the fish. Pour in the steamed fish sauce.

  8. Step8:Finally, pour the hot corn oil on the onion shreds.

  9. Step9:Finished produc

Cooking tips:1. Please adjust the steaming time according to the size of the fish. There are skills in making delicious dishes.

Chinese cuisine

How to cook Chinese food

How to cook [steamed perch] - produced by couss co3001 steamed oven

Chinese food recipes

[steamed perch] - produced by couss co3001 steamed oven recipes

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