It's said that it's good for children to eat coarse food, but only if they can.

egg:2 oats:10g none:none

It's said that it's good for children to eat coarse food, but only if they can.

It's said that it's good for children to eat coarse food, but only if they can.

Oats. It's the only cereal in the top ten healthy foods. It is rich in lysine and other nutrients. It can promote the development of baby's brain. It also contains rich dietary fiber. It can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis. It can prevent baby's constipation. After the mixture of the brewed oats and the egg liquid, the egg soup is more smooth and tender in taste. The eggs are rich in phosphorus, but the calcium is relatively insufficient. If the oats and eggs are mixed together, the nutrition can be complementary.

Cooking ingredients

Cooking Steps

  1. Step1:Pour the oats into a bowl. Add 150g hot water to make them. The protein and calcium content in oats is the highest in grains. It is good for baby's growth and development to eat oats instead of some white rice noodles. Oats also have the reputation of natural intestinal scavenger. It is rich in insoluble dietary fiber, which can prevent baby's constipation. There is a sense of fullness after eating oats. The baby who loves long meat doesn't have to worry.

  2. Step2:Pour the prepared oats into the blender and beat them into oatmeal pulp.

  3. Step3:Put 2 eggs into a large bowl. Beat them evenly.

  4. Step4:Slowly pour in the oatmeal mixture and stir well.

  5. Step5:After mixing the oatmeal and egg mixture, sift the mixture and remove the residue and bubbles.

  6. Step6:In a small bowl.

  7. Step7:Covered with a high temperature resistant film.

  8. Step8:Put a few small holes in the plastic wrap.

  9. Step9:Steam in a steamer for about 15 minutes. Don't use a big fire. It's easy to get honeycomb when it's steamed out.

  10. Step10:Take out the plastic wrap after steaming and let it cool.

  11. Step11:The Yellow custard is out of the pot. The big baby can add some salt to taste it. Such a bowl of low-energy oatmeal custard. Sprinkle some scallion as ornament. Then match with a milk. The baby has a delicious food.

Cooking tips:Today, I'm sharing oatmeal and egg custard steamed with eggs. Hemp can also be replaced with other methods for babies. Which method can better preserve oatmeal nutrition? It's better to cook and eat. The biggest advantage of cooking is that it can dissolve the dextran in oats. Besides, the cooked oats taste soft and waxy, and the water-soluble dietary fiber dissolves more. There are skills in making delicious dishes.

Chinese cuisine

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How to cook It's said that it's good for children to eat coarse food, but only if they can.

Chinese food recipes

It's said that it's good for children to eat coarse food, but only if they can. recipes

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