Mango Mousse

digestive biscuit:60g butter:20g light cream:250g gilding powder:20g mango meat:400g sugar:35g warm water:50g

Mango Mousse

Mango Mousse

Cooking Steps

  1. Step1:Prepare materials.

  2. Step2:Beat the digestive biscuits with a blender until they are crushed.

  3. Step3:Heat butter in water until melted. Mix the biscuit and butter well.

  4. Step4:Spread the processed digestive biscuits on the bottom of the cake mold. After compaction, put them into the refrigerator for cold storage.

  5. Step5:Take 200g mango, beat it into mango puree with a blender, and add 15g of Geely powder.

  6. Step6:Heat the mango puree slightly in a small fire. Keep stirring to make the gelatine powder dissolve evenly. Heat to about 50 degrees. Do not boil. Put the mango solution aside to cool.

  7. Step7:Take out the cream. Add 35g of sugar. Whisk with high speed in the electric mixer. Beat cream to 56 and serve. (after lifting the beater, the dripped cream can be stacked on the surface instead of disappearing immediately.

  8. Step8:Mix the cream and mango solution. Turn over with a spatula and mix well. Mango Mousse liquid.

  9. Step9:Add diced mango granules to the mousse solution.

  10. Step10:Pour Mango Mousse liquid into the cake mold. Shake off the air bubble and refrigerate for 4 hours.

  11. Step11:Add a layer of specular pectin, 5g of gilding powder, 50g of warm water and 2 tablespoons of puree. Stir well. Then cool and pour on mousse. Refrigerate overnight. Use a hot towel to apply heat on the outer ring of the cake mold for a while. Then push it up and it can be easily demoulded.

Cooking tips:There are skills in making delicious dishes.

Chinese cuisine

How to cook Chinese food

How to cook Mango Mousse

Chinese food recipes

Mango Mousse recipes

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