Meat loaf

high gluten powder:290g dry yeast:1 teaspoon clear water:180 ml sugar:16g salt:3 / 4 teaspoon butter:26G meat floss:13g

Meat loaf

Meat loaf

Semi automatic. Pause. The most satisfying bread machine ever. The bread that the bread machine program makes always seems to be more realistic. I've been dissatisfied with the final volume of procedural bread - that is to say, the barrel is not much different from the 450 gram toast mold. Why can't procedural bread grow to the height of toast? Can we make the bread grow taller? You don't need an automatic program. You may be able to reach the ideal height. But it's bound to the dough. Think about it. Decide to use semi-automatic program. Semi automatic. It's the front half of computer control and the back half of human control. The bread program divides fermentation into 1, 2, and 3. According to the conventional bread making process, it can be understood as basic fermentation, middle awakening and final fermentation. From the beginning of fermentation. Manual control. Wait for the head of noodle to the ideal height before baking. In a flash. Three stage fermentation means that you have to go back to it twice. That's a bit of a hassle. It's better to take over from fermentation 3. I was tossed by the machine before. Hypothetical fermentation

Cooking Steps

  1. Step1:Materials use

  2. Step2:Pour water and butter into the bread bucke

  3. Step3:Add salt. Suga

  4. Step4:Pour in flou

  5. Step5:Dig holes in flour. Bury yeas

  6. Step6:Put the bread barrel into the bread machine. Clamp i

  7. Step7:Choose menu 4 - French brea

  8. Step8:Choose 500g weight and deep burn color respectivel

  9. Step9:Star

  10. Step10:When the bread program has just entered the fermentation 3 step, press pause. Take out the bread bucke

  11. Step11:Take out the dough and roll it into a rectangl

  12. Step12:Spread the meat flos

  13. Step13:Roll u

  14. Step14:Close down. Put in the bread bucke

  15. Step15:Put the bucket back into the toaster. Clamp i

  16. Step16:Press start. Toaster start fermentation

  17. Step17:When the program has the last 35 minutes left, press the pause ke

  18. Step18:After about 15 minutes, the toaster will automatically stop and enter the baking stag

  19. Step19:End of bakin

  20. Step20:Take out the bread bucke

  21. Step21:Pour out the brea

  22. Step22:Coo

  23. Step23:Slic

Cooking tips:In order to ensure the best condition of bread making, it is necessary to feed the bread strictly in order. The pause time of the bread machine shall be adjusted according to the rise of dough. Meat floss can be replaced with jam, dried fruit and other fillings. There are skills in making delicious dishes.

Category of recipe

Chinese cuisine

How to cook Chinese food

How to cook Meat loaf

Chinese food recipes

Meat loaf recipes

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