Pumpkin ribs cup (super simple version)

pork chop (short cut):350g Japanese pumpkin:half octagon:two crystal sugar:4 raw:2 scoops veteran:half spoon rice wine:2 scoops colorful vegetables:moderate amount ginger:4 garlic:one flap https://cp1.douguo.com/upload/caiku/7/9/e/yuan_795e4a94bb3742f0294962acf39aa75e.jpeg

Pumpkin ribs cup (super simple version)

Pumpkin ribs cup (super simple version)

Healthy cooking with low fat and no lampblack.

Cooking Steps

  1. Step1:Short cut pig chops are soaked in clear water. Pour out bleeding water and spread on the bottom of the po

  2. Step2:Add ginger, garlic, star anise and crystal sugar; if you have job's tears, you can put some. It's said to get rid of dampness

  3. Step3:Pork itself contains a lot of water and grease, so there is no need to drain water and oil. Just add 2 tablespoons of raw soy sauce, half of old soy sauce and 2 tablespoons of rice wine. Shake up the pot and shake the liquid. My measuring spoon is tablespoon. 1 tablespoon is about 15ml

  4. Step4:The skin of pumpkin should be cleaned by brush. No peeling is needed. Cut it in half

  5. Step5:Gently scrape the seeds with a spoo

  6. Step6:Trim the pumpkin bottom a little. Put it on the ribs. Cover the pot. Simmer for 20 minutes. Different pots have different heat conduction and sealing. Please adjust the time according to the actual situation.

  7. Step7:First, put the pumpkin and spareribs out of the pot; leave the soup; the picture shows that as long as the pot is airtight enough and the heat is small, there is no water and oil. There is still a lot of its own soup; at this time, add some colorful vegetables to cook. I use corn, pea and carrot grains

  8. Step8:Drench the vegetables and the rest of the soup in the pumpkin cup. The dish is finished.

Cooking tips:There are skills in making delicious dishes.

Chinese cuisine

How to cook Chinese food

How to cook Pumpkin ribs cup (super simple version)

Chinese food recipes

Pumpkin ribs cup (super simple version) recipes

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