Steamed fish slices with sauerkraut

fresh fillet:150g slice sauerkraut:100g chopped pepper:2 scoops sesame oil:moderate amount ginger slices:8 pieces

Steamed fish slices with sauerkraut

Steamed fish slices with sauerkraut

The fish is delicious. The fish with salty taste is more delicious. Common common ingredients. Once steamed together, they will show their extraordinary splendor. Light up the table of common people, making the days after hard work more delicious.

Cooking Steps

  1. Step1:Fish fillet. Any fish you like. It's better to be fresh water fis

  2. Step2:Ginger slices on the plat

  3. Step3:Fish in the plat

  4. Step4:Snow vegetables. Pickled with wild country vegetables brought by my mother-in-la

  5. Step5:Choppe

  6. Step6:Put the sauerkraut in the center of the plate. Steam for 10 minutes

  7. Step7:All righ

  8. Step8:Put in chopped peppers and scallions. Or garlic flower

  9. Step9:Drizzle a circle of linseed oil along the chopped pepper

  10. Step10:Finished produc

  11. Step11:Finished product drawing

  12. Step12:

  13. Step13:

  14. Step14:Close up fish fillet. Bright oi

  15. Step15:Salted vegetables are just beautiful at this tim

  16. Step16:

  17. Step17:

  18. Step18:

  19. Step19:Close u

Cooking tips:Eat. It's delicious steamed. There are skills in making delicious dishes.

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How to cook Steamed fish slices with sauerkraut

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