No one doesn't love potatoes and meat

potatoes:2 streaky meat:50g green pepper:1 garlic leaves:one garlic lump:a few ginger:a few Pixian bean paste:half spoon sugar:a few soy sauce:a few salt:a few MSG:a few pepper:a few

No one doesn't love potatoes and meat

No one doesn't love potatoes and meat

I don't like potatoes except my father. I haven't met anyone who doesn't like potatoes.

Cooking Steps

  1. Step1:Peel, wash and slice potatoes.

  2. Step2:Sliced pork. Other ingredients are ready.

  3. Step3:Stir fry the streaky pork with a little oil in the wok (the meat is a little thin this time). Add ginger.

  4. Step4:Stir fry potatoes until they are slightly transparent (half cooked

  5. Step5:Stir fry the bean paste to produce red oil. Stir evenly (you can give some cooking wine to remove the smell of meat

  6. Step6:Add the water to submerge the potatoes. Drop two drops of soy sauce (soy sauce). Give a little sugar. Give half of the salt (give some more before starting the pot

  7. Step7:When the potatoes are almost cooked, add green pepper, garlic leaves and garlic lump. Push twice. Add salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper and heat to collect the juice.

  8. Step8:No one doesn't like potatoes. If you want to make rice, please give more water.

Cooking tips:The taste and taste of fried potatoes with water are different from that of stewed potatoes with water. There are skills in making delicious dishes.

Chinese cuisine

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How to cook No one doesn't love potatoes and meat

Chinese food recipes

No one doesn't love potatoes and meat recipes

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