All Recipes

Whole wheat toast

Whole wheat flour - a grain of wheat. It is divided into three parts: germ, endosperm and bran. The percentage of germ in whole wheat Two point five %Endosperm accounts for 85%. Endosperm is the main component of flour, that is, the white flour ... ...

4 Steps

Marble pound cake

Pound cake means a cake made of a pound of cream, a pound of flour, an pound of eggs and a pound of sugar. That is to say, the four main ingredients in the cake are equal in weight. But I don't like too sweet. It automatically reduces the sugar.

4 Steps

Chicken omelet

In summer, people sweat a lot, have a bad appetite, and consume a lot of nutrition. The hot weather also affects people's appetite. In addition to paying attention to the clean and light diet, they can eat more porridge and drink more soup. In t... ...

17 Steps

Baked scallop with zero cooking skill

It's going to be the National Day Mid Autumn Festival holiday soon. Dear beautiful cook, do you have any plans to entertain your friends and relatives? Maybe someone said. I'm a rookie in the kitchen. What can I do? Maybe some people will say th... ...

6 Steps

Chessboard biscuit

The cute and charming chessboard shape is a small biscuit I would like to try to make. But I think the process is troublesome. I don't necessarily make it so beautiful, so I haven't made it. I found a rest time. Finally, I started work. It was r... ...

13 Steps

88 small meal bag

This small meal bag is very soft, and it tastes good without jam. Now I always like to have more water. The made bag feels softer.

4 Steps