Today, I went to do what housewife should do before lunch with teacher coco - to buy vegetables. Thank you for your company. With you on the side, I'm just like the brand of this spareribs. Spirit is very enough. [happy] I found myself funny aft... ...
In today's two hard dishes, there's also a fried squid roll with shredded peppers. Sweet and sour pork ribs are so popular. It seems to cover up its light. But in fact, I play a very high standard today. Fan Shao said, Mom, you fired this dish t... ...
It's very happy to cook for the one you love. Ox tendon is the essence of beef. Meat with gluten. After the entrance of the rich taste is incomparable meat. I believe that after eating this dish, everyone will never forget it.
My mother-in-law's specialty.
In Jindian, it's cooking.
With the simple cooking of Tang Bao, you can mix the most strong flavor ~
Usually the dregs will be thrown away after the soybean milk is beaten. In fact, the dietary fiber and other nutrients in the dregs are very rich. Today we use it to make a simple and delicious vegetarian pine. It's not only delicious but also c... ...
1. Wash the pork loin. Half open. Clean the white material in the pork loin. Cut flowers. 2. Add cooking wine, white pepper, salt, soy sauce and Pixian bean paste (usually bean paste is fine, but I like to put the meilexiang chili sauce produced... ...
Sea cucumbers, belonging to Holothurioidea, are marine echinoderms that live from the seaside to 8000 meters. They have a history of more than 600 million years. Sea cucumbers feed on marine algae and plankton. All over the body full of barbed. ... ...
I've been lazy for two days without a recipe. Today I'd like to offer you a big dish - Sichuan style casserole - radish and lamb chop. It's a season to eat mutton. Xiao ou, a girl who was far away in Chengdu yesterday, asked me how to steam lamb... ...
Eggplant is very high in potassium. It has the effect of lowering blood pressure.
It is said that mutton is the golden elixir in autumn and winter. Eating mutton in winter can not only resist the cold, but also nourish the body. The delicious food that can't be missed in winter - braised mutton
What else can Tang Bao do? There's absolutely no problem with soup and dumplings. Xiaolongtangbao pays most attention to the soup. The quality of the jelly is the key. The jelly with thick Tangbao is even more delicious. Take a fresh dumpling, b... ...
Sour, sweet and appetizer sirloin. It's delicious even with zero cooking skill
I did it for the first time. I didn't think it was delicious. There was no picture of the steps. I only took a picture before I started eating. Although there were not many steps, and only bacon and sausage were used this time. The materials wer... ...